Thursday, October 27, 2005

The blob that ate Austin...

460388076203_0_ALB, originally uploaded by adamholz.

This pile was most of the debris from the initial cleanup. It was about 16 ft long, 6 ft wide, and at least 5 or 6 ft high. After sitting in my driveway for a few weeks and making a nice spider filled compost heap, I took the shovel to it for Yard Waste collection day. I filled 13 30 gallon bags in a few hours before giving up. Barely made a dent... maybe a third of the pile.

Adventures in Urban Forestry

110_1021_r1, originally uploaded by adamholz.

Hard to tell from the picture below but the growth was well out into the street and you couldn't see around the corner at all. But not to fear this potential safety hazard, the City of Austin has an Urban Forestry Department to keep you safe from the perils of my yard. Who knew? After a nice chat with Emily, I called my man Mitch at Xanadu Nursery to come out and give the yard a shave and a haircut. Pictures after the cleanup are here.

OG Larkwood House

109_0910, originally uploaded by adamholz.

There are lots of pictures of the house as it was when the previous owner lived here, but really this one from across the street says it best. Is there even a house back there? Go here for more.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Notes from the Underbrush

Hello all... Buying a house might be both the smartest and dumbest thing I've ever done. I've been working on this place practically non-stop for a few months now and hopefully I've made some decent progress. I have reached a zen state of oneness with Craigslist trying to furnish the inside. Now, finally, I'm tackling the ridiculousness that is the outside jungle. Er, I guess my wallet is tackling it with a little help from my main man Mitch. I'll get some pictures and comments up here soon... Tell me what you think...